I'm having trouble viewing/watching videos

We are sorry that you're having trouble viewing Faithtube videos. We know how frustrating this can become.

- Please check to make sure you have the latest version of your browser

(for example, if you are using Internet Explorer 9 please upgrade to Internet Explorer 10)

- Please clear your cache to further correct the problem.

- Also make sure that you have the latest version of Flash Player installed.

- If you have an adblocker, you will need to disable it or create an exception for FaithTube.

- Check the connection speed of your internet provider

If you need help clearing your cache please check with your browser support or help desk.

If you continue to have trouble could you answer a few questions to help us track down this problem?

1. What browser and version are you using?

2. Are you using a PC or an Apple computer?

3. Are you trying to do this from home, work, library, somewhere else?

4. Do you have your browser set to allow cookies?

5. What anti-virus program are you using?

6. Do you have a firewall that may be blocking your access?

7. What version of Flash do you have on your computer? (Find out here if you aren't sure: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ )

8. Please attach a screenshot of the problem you are having. (If you need help with this check out this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows)

Why are there ads on FaithTube?

There are several reasons we allow ads on FaithTube.

Advertising -- and the associations we enter into with other organizations -- is something we are constantly discussing internally. While many of our advertising partners choose to present their message to the audience because the product or service is of a Christian nature, other sponsors target FaithTube from a strictly demographic standpoint.

For example, a Christian music producer may advertise a new release because the audience is Christian and therefore likely to purchase it, while a life insurance company might target the audience because we are mostly made up of families with one or more children in the home. We try very hard to work with appropriate organizations.

The unfortunate reality is that there would be no FaithTube- no videos, no community, no website - if we didn't operate FaithTube as a business. Advertising support is the best option available, since we do not charge for most of our services.

This is the best we can do, we believe we do so in accordance with God's will, and He has chosen to bless our efforts in his service. We will continue to do the best we can, while hopefully not becoming too much "of the world" in the process.

What if I don't receive my confirmation email?

If you believe you have not received a confirmation email confirming your newly created faithtube.co account, first make sure you have checked both your email inbox and your junk mail folder. If you still can't find it, please submit a request via the following link: https://faithtube.co/contact-us

What if I forgot my password?

If you forgot your password, no worries! To get a new password, please visit this link: https://faithtube.co/forgot_password. If you do not see the email notification, please check your junk mail/spam folder and be sure to add faithtube.co to your email’s safe list.

How can I tell if I have a current version of Flash Player?

If you need to download, update, or check the status of your current flash player, please visit the following link: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/

We recommend having the latest version of flash players in order to be able to view videos and upload videos without any issues.

If you are using a mobile device, please make sure that you also have the latest version of flash for your mobile browser.